UI/UX Kit | Concept of Social Network App - SparkMas.
This is an example of the concept of alternative social networks that already exist and are used around the world, these are: Instagram, Telegram, WhatApp, Viber, VK, Facebook and others ...
I decided to try to show how I see a modern social network. Maybe someone will have tips for improvement or change.

In this example, I did not demonstrate userflow, since I did not really focus on it now. As I said above, my task was to show my vision of the modern social network. But in this development, attention was paid to prototyping application screens. In essence, sketches or diagrams of where the images, shortcuts, buttons, and so on will be located. A rough sketch of how this application will work and with what objects. In this figure, the prototypes that I used when developing 3-4 steps to develop a mobile application are demonstrated.

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